Super B12 | Maintain health of nervous system | 特效 B12
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96 in stock
Super B12 helps to maintain the health of the nervous system, stabilize mood, and effectively promote protein synthesis and cell renewal.
Strengthens central nervous system
Enhances memory
Promotes formulation of red
blood cells - Maintains health of nails, hair and skin
- mL per Container: 54mL
- Serving Size: 1.25mL
- Recommended usage : Take 1.25mL daily or as directed by a health professional
- Made in the USA
Warmly Reminder: This product has not been registered under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance or the Chinese Medicine Ordinance. Any claims made about this product may not be evaluated for such registration purposes. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease. If necessary, seek professional advice before taking this product.